When news is slow and clients don’t have any major releases in the pipeline a great way to keep up coverage momentum is through rapid responses.
This is when you will hijack on an issue in the news and try to involve your clients in it in some way, either by providing expert opinion on the story or asking them to explain any ambiguities. You can then send their comments out to media and more often than not, journalists will include them in their write-up of the news.
Eskenzi sends rapid response opportunities to all its clients and last week we flagged the news to Imperva that the Syrian Electronic Army had hacked into the New York Times website. One of the key aspects ofa successful rapid response is getting the opportunity across to your client early. We flagged the opportunity to Imperva first thing in the morning and they sent back comments very swiftly. This meant that we were able to send the comments to the journalists early enough so that they were already sitting in their inboxes when they arrived into work in the morning.
As a result of the speed at which we flagged the opportunity, and the fantastic comments Imperva came back with, we ended up securing over 20 pieces of coverage in some fantastic publications, including Computer Weekly, V3.co.uk, Infosecurity and Computer Business Review, turning what could have been a very quiet coverage week into one of their biggest weeks of the year so far.
– Lucy