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A staggering 1000+ businesses benefit from Security Serious Week

By November 18, 2015January 4th, 2019No Comments

Security Serious Photo Call Official Photo (small jpeg)

Thanks to the support of over 70 of the UK’s top cybersecurity experts, the first ever Security Serious Week was able to help over 1000 businesses learn how to become more security savvy and cyber-aware, through the FREE week long webinar programme.

Security Serious Week which ran for the first year was introduced to encourage more companies to take security seriously by learning from those who are already security savvy – with the end game of making the Internet a safer place to trade online. Seventy companies offered their time and expertise for free throughout the week by providing webinars, seminars, Q & As and drop-in events on a wealth of cybersecurity subjects.

All the webinars are still available to listen to on demand at

Yvonne Eskenzi, the driving force behind the campaign, explained, “In this cyber-hostile world, it’s all about joining forces to inspire one another to collectively take security more seriously and become more security savvy. The support that’s been shown for Security Serious Week shows that the IT security community are passionate about working together and passing on their knowledge to others in the battle to keep the hacking community at bay!”

Security Serious attracted a number of high-profile supporters from the UK’s leading businesses, universities, associations and government bodies – including: Unilever, BT, HP Enterprise Data Security, Canon UK, HSBC, Publicis Groupe and GlaxoSmithkline as well as many of the world’s leading IT security vendors.

To find out more about Security Serious, the organisations who supported the campaign visit